Subscription Box (Flagship Program) for Canadian residents
Subscription Box (Flagship Program) for Canadian residents
Young Wanderers is a classic literature subscription box for children ages 7-12. Children receive one* book a month for 10 months of the year over the course of three years, along with stickers for their reward poster, a pacing guide and question prompts for each book, and fun surprises like stickers, bookmarks, writing materials, and art.
The caregiver who signs up the child receives access to an online community and a handbook with tips for assisting their child in deeper reading.
*Canadian participants receive 1 large box every 6 months, containing 6-months worth of boxes. The caregiver is responsible for giving their child one box a month from the larger box. Payment is collected every 7 months, giving your child a 1-month break between shipments.
The photos show only some of the books included and display which goodies might be included. (We don’t want to spoil the surprise!)
If you would like to enroll a second, third, fourth … child, please email and she will send you a discount code to purchase your second, third … box at a reduced rate.
If you wish to cancel your child’s subscription, please do so before your next payment is due.
***This version of the program serves only Canadian residents.***